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Newsletter - Week 8, Term 3 2023

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, I was at a Rural Principal hui at the Ministry of Education in Hamilton last Friday and was listening to Sarah from Longworth Education speaking on the importance of play for children. I see and hear the elaborate games that are played through the day at school and this play develops crucial brain development in children (and adults).

Learning through Play has an essential role in children’s develop- ment. At Waitetuna School we know the importance of play too. When children play they create structures and rules that are established by themselves, which develops creativity, creates and grows executive functions (organisational skills), allows improved goal setting and a drive to learn, improves memory and emotion regulation, dexterity and physical strength, social agility resilience and grit. Research also states that play helps people distinguish between real and not real, especially in the world of Artificial Intelligence (A.I) - so let’s play!

Kapahaka festival practices are continuing daily. Thanks to Abby for sewing up our uniforms. As our school role is currently at 72 we had to sew up extra uniforms.

Kapahaka permission slips have gone home. If your child has not given you one yet can you please check their bag.

Ag Day forms have gone home via email and a paper copy. There is the Calf, Lamb and Goat entries and we have reintroduced the Caged Pet option. Students can have a caged pet at school from 9 -11am on Ag Day—17th October. Students will be able to bring a small pet, which must be in a cage. No dogs please. Pets must be collected at morning tea time—between 11 and 11.30am.

Welcome to Cassey, who has joined the Junior Room this week. Happy school days at Waitetuna.

The Year 7 and 8 students got to go with Raglan Rock to the indoor rock climbing venue in Hamilton on Monday afternoon. Thanks Raglan Rock for sponsoring our year 7 and 8s so they can attend this wonderful opportunity and to the parents who supported this event.

Para Kore—it was great to welcome back Paul (Formerly known as Matua X) who checked the health of our worm farm and did some reminders on what the worms eat and the science going on. It was great to see the learning that was involved.

Karioi Project—the team from the project joined the Junior Room on Friday at Kura Ngaahere (Bush School). Students were able to look at native tree identification. Another busy but awesome week at Waitetuna School Ngaa mihi nui Amanda and staff.

All the Happenings

  • Kapahaka Festival—Friday 15th September—School perfor- mance at 12.45pm

  • Rock Climbing sessions for Year 7 and 8—4th , 11th and 18th Sept from 1.30pm

  • Life Ed—18th and 19th September

  • Last day of term 3—22nd Sept

  • First day of term 4—Mon 9th October.

  • Reminder—Teacher Only day— Term 4—Friday 17th

  • Dates for term 4—Ag Day— 17th October

  • Group Day— Te Mata School— Fri 20th October

Term Dates—2024

  • Term 1—Starts Wed 7th February and ends Fri 12th April Easter in term time—29th March-2nd April

  • Term 2—Mon 29th April-Fri 5th July—Public holidays in term 2 - Kings birthday 3rd June, Matariki—28th June

  • Term 3—Mon 22 July—27th Sept

  • Term 4—starts—Mon 14th October—End date—20th December— Labour day—28th October This will include three Teacher Only days. Dates will be confirmed as soon as we know, as they will be set with the Ministry and the other schools.

Waitetuna Way

Respect Well done to Charly T & Axel Celebrate your own and others success Show respect for myself and others (courtesy) Respect for our school equipment Show respect by actively listening to others Show respect for our environment



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