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Newsletter - Week 8, Term 4, 2021

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Dear Waitetuna Whaanau,

As I write our last newsletter for 2021 I wanted to acknowledge everyone’s contribution to our year. It has been a challenging year. Next week’s final assembly format is certainly not the way we had wanted to celebrate and share in our Year 8s last week, but something that we have learnt, from the last two years, as the saying goes - is that the only thing

that is certain is that change will happen. The students have shown resilience and adaptability in very uncertain times. The staff and I would like to say thank you for your support this year.

To all of our PTA members past and present - It is no secret; our school has always been well supported by a small but dedicated group of PTA members. Our PTA is a group of parents who organise one major fundraiser each year. In doing so the PTA provides our

school, on an annual basis, extra and much needed funding which enables the continuation of learning programmes and resources that our school community value. Thank you PTA.

I am very excited to be able to share a new look newsletter for next year which I have been working on with a graphic designer from the local hapuu. This new template has been designed with the hapuu to celebrate the very special significance of the name Waitetuna and all that we acknowledge with our school and the whenua. I wanted to be able to share this with all of the school community at the final assembly but that won’t be able to happen. I will share this with you now in our first newsletter for 2022.

Other exciting achievements which we can celebrate that have been achieved despite the pandemic - Seeing the first part of our mural taking shape is very exciting and our community will be able to enjoy our first vegetables from our new gardens in the summer months.

Waitetuna Way this week goes to - Payton Rata, Tyla Mcquade Tritar, Jet Neels for Gratitude and Confidence : Develop resilience to bounce back from challenging and frustrating situations and being great leaders in your own right.

A reminder there will be a drone over the school at some stage on Monday 13th December. This is part of additional ministry funded property work for small, rural schools.

  • Monday 13th December - junior room - Mangakara walk on Pirongia and their own special outdoor class assembly to acknowledge the student’s mahi and strengths this year.

  • Tuesday 14th December final assembly- senior room students, siblings and parents - 6pm

  • Wednesday 15th December- donuts - honey glazed or cinnamon sugar - orders in by Monday 13th December 9am

Donut orders - if you want to order donuts for your child or order some to pick up from school at 3pm then please get your orders in by Monday at 9am. Email Cinnamon sugar or honey glaze - $3 each.

Board update

Unfortunately Jason Cann is standing down from the board. We thank him for his mahi for our school over the last two and a half years on the board.

The implications of this is as follows-

Filling casual vacancy by selection

Waitetuna School Board Casual vacancy for a parent representative

A casual vacancy has occurred on the school board for an elected parent representative. The board has decided to fill the vacancy by selection. If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held. Request for a by-election should be sent to:

Presiding member (chair) Sue Court

Waitetuna School Board Address

129 Waitetuna Valley Road,



by: 18th January 2022

Let me know if you have any questions.

Speed limit changes

You may have seen the post or email about changes to speed limits past our school. Here is the link to place a submission. It only takes a few minutes.

Consultation on the Speed Limits Bylaw Schedules 2021

Council is reviewing its Speed Limits Bylaw Schedules and consultation is now open.

Anyone can make a submission on the proposed Speed Limit Schedules, however as a key stakeholder, we are specifically seeking your feedback.

Our communities have requested changes for safer speeds in and around residential areas, near schools, town centers and places where people work. We’re proposing to change the speeds on over 300 roads in the Waikato District, with the focus areas being schools, residential zones and town centres. For all proposed changes and copies of the draft bylaw schedules, please visit our ‘Say it’ page on the Council website

Submissions open on 1 December and close on 23 January 2021. Submissions can be made via:



Post: Waikato District Council

Attn: Corporate Planner

Private Bag 544

Ngaruawahia 3742

Drop off: Any Waikato District Council office or library.

If you make a submission and wish to be heard, please indicate this in your submission. Hearings will be held in February 2022 and we will contact you closer to the hearing date.

For further information, please contact us on 0800 492 452 or email

Last day Friday 17th December 1pm finish - buses will run, but there will be no after school care

Despite the disruption in the second half of the year we are still looking forward to an exciting year in 2022. As part of our review of the year we would like to take this opportunity to hear your thoughts for our school for the coming year. If there are other considerations that you would like the board to look at for our planning in 2022 and beyond, please email me . As part of our three year strategic plan we are

continuing to work on our living curriculum, Tiriti o Waitangi led practices and wellbeing goals.

Raffle money and ticket purchase details to be into the PTA by the end of next week. Ticket sales close on Wednesday 15th December. - email address to email the spreadsheet/list too.

PTA account number is 03 1563 0071376 000

Term 1

Thursday 3rd Feb (100 half days)

Thursday 14th April: School is closed on Easter Friday 15/04

Term 2

Mon 2nd May (96 half days)

Friday 8th July: (9 weeks 4 days) School is closed Mon 06/06 during school time because of Queen’s Birthday public holiday and Matariki Friday 24/06

Term 3

Mon 25th July (100 half days)

Friday 30th September: (10 weeks) No public holidays during Term 3.

Term 4 Mon 17 Oct ( 88 half days )

Friday 16th December School closed 24th October - Labour Day

See you all on Thursday 3rd February.

Have a wonderful holiday break.

Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff



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