Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, it has been another action packed week. Well done to all of our students who made it to the Tough Girl/Guy Challenge (aka Mud Run) on Wednesday. The crew managed to find plenty of mud and lots of smiles after a fun day doing the Mud Run track. Thanks Whaea Ali for organising this.
To acknowledge Matariki and the end of the term we have planned a special Matariki shared kai. There will be soup for all and if you can supply a plate of food for shared kai that would be great too. There will be a mini assembly as the students have some learning to share. And also as I mentioned previously the teachers, students, board and I are reflecting on the year to date and this gathering is a great opportunity to share with us what you see as our successes for the first half of the year. Matariki is a time to reflect.
Reports home on last day of term—reports will be sent home with your child on the last day. If your child is not able to be at school on the last day please let us know so you can collect your child’s report before that. Along with Seesaw reporting our written report shares where your child is sitting against the New Zealand Curriculum expectations. The blue panel is the expected level. It is important to understand that every child makes progress at different rates and at different times. Teachers will certainly keep in contact if there are any specific concerns around your child’s learning. There will be time to discuss learning at the conferences next term.
Learning conferences (aka parent teacher conferences) date—these important opportunities to korero about your child’s learning will be happening on Wed 2nd August and Thurs 3rd August. This is where your child’s teacher, yourself and your child come together to celebrate, review the learning so far this year and then set goals for 2023—Wed 2nd Aug and Thurs 3rd Aug—bookings will be online. The online booking system will be emailed out in week 1 of term 3. Students are an integral part of these sessions and do preparation to share with you. If there is a matter you would like to discuss for part of the learning conference without your child present just let your child’s teacher know.
Have a great weekend.
Ngaa mihi nui Amanda and staff
All the Happenings
Matariki shared kai—29th June
Reports home on the last day of term
Last day of term 2 and Internation-al Mud day —30th June
Dates for next term 3
Term 3 starts— Monday 17th July
Senior Room planting—25th July
Waikato Tainui visitors—Wed 26th July
PTA Meeting—Mon 31st July—7pm
Learning conferences—Parent/teacher/student conferences—2nd and 3rd August
Board Meeting—8th August—5.30pm
Reminder—Information Evening at Raglan Area School—for all parents
Invite from Raglan Area School—date for your diary
Te Ao Māori at Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa /
Raglan Area School - Thursday 20 July 5.30-8.00pm
Kia ora e te whanau E ngā mana, e ngā reo, rau rangatira mā
nau mai, haere mai, whakatau mai ra ki tēnei hui e whakanuia
ana te matauranga i te taiao kākano rua kei Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa.
We will share how we enact our School Vision and Mission Statement
Well Done
Camille & Jackson
For Gratitude
Be open and honest with yourself and others
Be reflective and thankful