Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
It is great to have had another full week at school. Our sympathies certainly go out to our Auckland neighbours. The teachers and I have been pleased to see students'
resilience and ability to manage themselves in the changing Covid world we live in. There are also students who have found the adjustments challenging and this is understandable
as children do need routine and reassurance at the best of times. If you are concerned about your child’s ability to manage their anxiety there are supports around this. You are
also welcome to get in contact with me if you would like to talk about these things further. I am able to support you and your child with strategies to manage this.
As adults our mental health is also important and we must look after our own mental health. I know that taking time to ‘chillax’ with my sons is important for me and my boys, even as they are moving through their teenage years. Here is a very useful article which I found interesting that outlines a range of strategies - Supporting Children's mental health
The year 6’s continue to work with local Jon Thompson and Whaea Ali planting seedlings that the students have grown in our local reserves.
Board Meeting update
On Tuesday night at the board meeting there was a lot on the agenda. We discussed lockdown learning and wanted to get feedback on this from families. I have emailed out two questions -
What were three things you liked about the lockdown learnings that was offered?
What would be three things you would like to see changed/added?
Cross country
We are excited to be able to have our school cross country event on Tuesday 28th September. This will go ahead even if there is some rain. You are welcome to join us on the farm venue as we are allowed up to 100 people at an event out in the open air under level 2. This is held on the farm just across from our school carpark. When your child has competed we ask that you please leave the event, so that you are only on the farm site for
your child’s race. Masks are appreciated. You are welcome to take your child/ren home after their race/s. So students get to walk their age group track in the morning, the school races will start at 1pm.
1pm - 5 year olds
1.10pm - 6 year olds
1.20pm - 7 year olds
1.30pm - 8 year olds
1.40pm - 9 year olds
1.50pm - 10 year olds
2.00pm - 11/12/13 year olds
School speech competition
The students who opted into our whole school competition will be sharing them to the school on Monday. We are looking forward to hearing students share these speeches. I have already been treated to snippets of these and they are well written and the quality of presentation is high. Please note the interschool speech competition has been cancelled.
New Rugby Goal Posts
The Ministry of Education are paying to replace our rugby goal posts. All going well they should be installed by the end of next week.
Waitetuna Way
Our Waitetuna Way this week goes to - Camille Valentin and Isla Richards for Confidence: Speaking clearly and with confidence.
PTA News
The PTA met in person and on Zoom on Wednesday. There was lots of talk about fundraising after the lockdown reduced our incoming funds with the cancellation of the interschool cross country. The trail run is still going ahead under level 2 restrictions. We considered a number of other ideas.
One addition was to add more school lunches - if you can help with school lunches next term on any of the following dates please let Amanda know.
Thank you for supporting our hot dog fundraiser. We would like to have another one on Thursday 30th September. $3 for an American hot dog, $4 for gluten free and vegetarian options.
Library emails
We have been made aware that you are receiving multiple emails from our school library system. The company who oversee our library system apologises for this and we are working with them to sort this out.
School Ag Day reminder - we look forward to our School Ag Day on Tuesday 19th October.
Group day is Friday 22nd October.
Waikato Show is cancelled.
Signing in and out
When picking up your children for appointments during school hours can you please sign in at the office.
Ngaa mihi,
Amanda and staff