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Newsletter - Week rima (5), Term rua (2).

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna whaanau,

It certainly has been a wonderful week celebrating our unique, fantastic community. The Te Uku Windfarm 10 year anniversary was a special event which was a privilege to be a part of. It was a great opportunity to reflect on many of the things that make this rohe(area) special. It was neat to see the students embracing this occasion. They represented our school so well. The staff and students all commented on how coming together with other

schools to acknowledge the whenua and this place was a success. Well done to the students who took a lead role in the day, sharing our thoughts on the time capsule from 10 years ago and what we had chosen to include. All students contributed a piece of writing about themselves and what they enjoy about life in Waitetuna and their hopes for the future. See above for an example. Thank you to Canyon, Danielle, Lenox and Finn who presented on behalf of the school about our time capsule findings and contributions.

Our Waitetuna way recipient this week is - Sybil Quinn for showing respect by actively listening to others.

It was difficult to choose what to put in the newsletter this week with so many different experiences and opportunities available for students.

Here is a selection - The year 7 and 8 students back from Woodtech showing off their pencil holders.

More of our learning in Digital technology and how it can be integrated

with Science. With the Ministry of Education additional hours we have been able to

have Jan-Marie Kellow join us for three extra days this term. Having the chance to follow up with the skills students are learning weekly is certainly increasing the students skill-set.

Jan-Marie is telling us how far along our students are with their skills compared to other

schools. This week the students are looking closely at how Science and digital technologies

can complement each other, from data collection formats, displaying information and to making music. The images above show the experiments and the colours that the

ingredients created. Students predicted what would happen and created results tables online. They then created infographics(a new very interesting online poster) to share their Science learning.

Museum trip

Please note that the Waikato museum trip has been cancelled at the moment as they have been notified of a power outage at the museum that week. We are trying to find an alternative date. We will let you know when we have secured it.

Covid level one

Please remember children need to stay at home if they are sick. We have gone through a lot of tissues this week and have had a number of absences.

Have a wonderful long weekend,

Ngaa mihi nui,

Amanda and staff.



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