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Principal News 21st October

Writer: AdminAdmin

Kia Ora Koutou

Welcome back to Term 4. Welcome to Levi, Sybil and Theo in the Junior Room. This is a 10 week term and our last day is the Friday 20th December. Our school wide Core Focus this term is called Celebrating Diversity and making Racism not part of our World. This has a social sciences and literacy focus integrated with digital technology, where older students will co-create a set of goals aimed to make racism not part of my world. As this is a whole school focus, tuakana teina groupings will enable the sharing of learning and support of learning between the different age groups. The children are starting to learn their own Pepeha, so they can introduce themselves in Te Reo.

Calendar Art

Teachers are currently working on calendar art with the children. See your child’s teacher if you wish to view their art works. These are great Christmas presents. Other unique products that are available for your children’s art work include a pack of 8 cards, a dairy, a mouse pad and sketch pads (which are good for using in class next year). Prices and order forms are attached. Orders are due in by the end of Week 3, Thursday 31st October.

Sun Safe

Please ensure your child/ren have their own named hat at school by week 2. Our school sun safety policy requires that children are to wear hats outside in Terms 1 and 4. School Hats (wide brimmed) are available from the office for $15 and children are expected to wear these to all outdoor education activities during these two terms. If your child forgets their hat, they are required to play in the shade to stay sun safe.

Start of the School Day

Just a reminder that children settle into their school day activities and classes much better if they have arrived before the bell at 8:55am. Arriving before the bell enables children to transition smoothly into the school environment It also assists teachers by minimising interruptions once the classes begin.

Toys at school

When children bring toys to school, they can get broken or lost and cause a lot of distress. If your child brings a toy to school, can you remind them it is at their own risk and that they will be asked to keep it in their bags during class time.


The Senior Leaders are planning and organizing a 1970’s themed school DISCO. This will be in week 5. Start looking out for ‘70s outfits everyone!

Waitetuna School Mid-Year Data Review

The Board of Trustees are impressed with the mid-year student results in reading, writing and mathematics – as well as the progress of target students. The data shows OTJ’s (Over all Teacher Judgements) based on summative and formative assessments. These assessments include teacher observations, work from workbooks, video or photo evidence, student/ teacher conferences and group or individual student discussions as well as formal tests. The reading, writing and mathematics results are showing good rates of achievement through-out the school: 90% of our students are at or exceeding the expected curriculum levels in reading. 92% of our students are exceeding expected curriculum levels in writing. 86% of our students are exceeding expected curriculum levels in mathematics.

Community Consultation Questionaire

There was a positive response to the parent questionaire with 23 parents responding. Most parents are happy with the home and school communication effectiveness. Problems in communication were generally related to poor, or no internet. Almost all responses were supportive of the digital technology transition within the school –as we prepare for the formalised introduction of Digital Technology curriculum in 2020. Most parents felt Waitetuna School has a well-balanced curriculum, with a strong emphasis on school values and a great holistic perspective. It was also acknowledged that there are great opportunities for the creative arts and that kids love it! Thank you for your feedback.

Ngā mihi



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