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Principal News 6th September

Writer: AdminAdmin

Kia Ora Koutou,

What a wonderful bluebird day on the mountain for our students! And like our school production, this was another great opportunity for students to develop important values including co-operation and team work, risk taking and problem solving, perseverance and determination, resilience and confidence building. We are always amazed how quickly first time students are up skiing or snowboarding in Happy Valley, whilst seasoned skiers/snowboarders are taken to the next level with their lessons, higher up the slopes. Such a thrill to learn to ski/ snowboard with all your friends there supporting you. As Seren and Ayla said in their Chronicle article.

“It was a great way to spend time with all our friends and get to know the kids we didn't know very well.”

A huge thank you to Whaea Ali for planning and organising this event and enabling all our students to develop skills to maneuver on the mountain!

Student Led Conferences/Survey

Thank you to all parents/whanau that attended Student Led Conferences. Our students loved the opportunity to share their work with their families and the older students showed how we use our chromebooks to do our work. Thank you to the parents who filled in our survey that was based on our preparations for the digital transition to implement the Digital Curriculum in 2020. The survey has indicated a few people are still having difficulties with the Skool Loop App. These are the steps to set an alert for Skool Loop: Go to settings Scroll down through the Apps to find Skool Loop Click on notifications Allow notifications and sound alert/badges It is important to us that everyone is receiving the school notices and that you are well informed (they are now emailed to everyone as well).


Our last big event this term are Speeches. This is a school wide event and parents/whanau are invited to come and enjoy their children presenting a formal speech to an audience. This year speeches are persuasive, ie persuade your audience on a chosen topic. Speeches will be judged based on set criteria and awards will presented on the day. Waitetuna School Speeches: Senior Room Speeches: Monday 23rd Sept, year 5 to 6 9.30am—11am. Year 7 to 8 11.30—12

Ngā mihi maioha,




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