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Principals News 26th July

Writer: AdminAdmin

Updated: Sep 19, 2019

Kia Ora

Hope everyone had good family time during the holiday break and children are now well rested ready for term 3.

Welcome to Waitetuna School Lhotse and Hayley in the Junior Room, Ridley in the Middle Room and Kaia in the Senior Room.

The Lorax School Production

Term 3 is very busy. This term we continue our sustainability focus in all the classrooms and finish off mid-term with our school production, The Lorax. The Te Uku Hall is booked for a Matinee on Wednesday 14th August and a night performance on Thursday 15th August. Tickets are available from the office for $5 per adult and a gold coin per child (not attending Waitetuna School). This money helps pay for the lighting and sound and gives the student performances a professional look. Teachers have been assisting students to come up with their costumes for the Lorax. Notices have been sent home about what specific costume items are needed. If you are still unsure what your child needs for their costume, please ask your child’s teacher.

We need help with transport to the Te Uku Hall in the week of the school production. Rehearsal days are Monday 12th August (all day) and Wednesday 14th August (10-2pm). Please fill in the form if you can help with transport on either of these days.

Please let us know if you can help with:

- costume making (or adapting)

-black out of Te Uku Hall windows

-collection of staging from Raglan Area School (week 4)

Sport this term is focused on Rugby, Netball and Football The Senior students will be practicing Rippa Rugby and Netball this term, in preparation for their tournaments. The Junior and Middle room children will be preparing for the Football tournament in week 5.

Student Led Conferences are planned for week six of this term. All parents are encouraged to attend these conferences as students proudly lead their parents/whanau through the sharing of their work. There is a brief opportunity to check in with your child’s teacher as well. On Friday 30th August there is a one day Ski Trip to Ruapehu. This is for Year 5 and above. Parents are welcome to join us with younger children but you must ensure they are fully supervised at all times. Please see Whaea Ali if you need a notice for the Ski trip (to book lessons and hire gear required). Postponement date is Monday 2nd August.

Speeches will be presented by all our students this term. We will let you know closer to the time when speech presentations will be delivered for each class. The Inter School Speech competition has been changed to the last week of the term and will be held at Te Uku School in week 10. The best speeches are presented by students at this event, which is always highly entertaining and informative.

Playgroup Playgroup is every Friday morning starting at 9am. Please check their Facebook page for changes of venue.

Kind Regards, Margery



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