Tena Koutou
Once again the Waitetuna school community has pulled off a great Cross Country. The weather was kind, the food and drinks were delicious and the tracks were steep and challenging. Altogether it was a fantastic day and enjoyed by all. A special thank you to Downer-Alliance for managing our parking this year and helping to make the event a safe and well organised day. Also thank you to Sports Waikato and Melissa Shea for running the warm up section for the students and preparing them the challenge ahead. Great effort to the PTA, Lizzie and all the parents who prepared food and / or served in the food tent or helped set up or pack down. Also thank you Hamish Ormond who delivered the school’s big marque as our food tent. A huge thank you to Suemus and Liz Macdonald who for many years now have offered their deer farm for us to run the inter school Cross Country. Without the use of their farm there would no Cross Country!! Thank you to PGG Wrightsons for the BBQ and Downers Alliance who managed the parking.
Waitetuna children did us proud and achieved many placings. Well done to the 1st and 3rd placings from Waitetuna School! Also impressive was the support from the senior leaders, running errands and providing refreshments to Marshalls and helpers. Well done to you all! The PTA raised $1829.28 This money will be used towards the new school playground. We had five placings who were:
Milena Gouldie-Higgins 3rd 10 year old girls
Riley Hartgill 1st 11 year old boys
Khobie Meade 3rd 11 year old boys
Alya Gee 1st 11 year old girls
Trophy Winner Georgie Benseman 1st 12/13 year old girls
Congratulations to all our runners who showed courage and determination. Welcome to our new Junior Room teacher Some of you may have met Oli Ryks last week as she was transitioning into Waitetuna School. Oli starts her teaching role this week and we wish her all the best. Please feel free to pop in and introduce yourself to Oli and make her feel welcome. Please see attachment.
A big thank you to Amy Hannah who has relieved in the Junior room for the last 4 weeks. Amy has greatly helped the transition of teachers and kept the Juniors settled and in their normal routines. Amy will continue to work in a relieving capacity at Waitetuna School.

Ngā mihi