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Principals News 31st August

Writer: AdminAdmin

Kia ora tātou

Beautiful sunshine on Friday last week paved the way for a great football (soccer) day at Brenworth Park for the Junior and Middle School. There were some great football skills to be seen by Waitetuna students and our teams looked smart in their school uniforms. Well done Waitetuna kids, we won most of our games. Thank you and well done also to our three senior leaders, Jayden, Cory and Kahu, for referring our games. Whaea Mariella was approached by various adults in the day who said the Seniors we had as referees were respectful, and particularly kind children. They said it was remarkable to see this in older boys of this age.

Senior Skiing Trip

Our senior ski trip is planned for Friday 14th September. This is a day trip, which means we will leave Waitetuna early in the morning and return by 7ish pm. Please return your forms asap to the Senior Room

Kapa Haka

We are so fortunate to have both Whaea Mariella and Warren Wood leading our Kapa Haka team. The Haka is based on our School philosophy and our Tuakana Teina relationships. Warren has written the Haka himself and consulted with local tangatewhenua. Mariella has designed the whole repertoire and is working with the girls on Poi and Waiata with the whole school. This is a great festival which is to be held at the Te Kowhai hall this year. Please try and put this day aside as we will need help with transporting the whole school. This is a great experience for everyone!

Grandparents Day

This is scheduled for the last Wednesday of this term, 26th September. Grandparents (and great grandparents) are welcome at 10am and we will finish at around lunch time. There will be a 1960’s theme for dress ups (when the Grandparents were at school) and the rotation of traditional games (skipping, marbles, elastics and hop scotch). With Beatles music for the interlude. Tea and scones will be available at break time. Please start inviting grandparents (or great grandparents), even adopted grandparents or a family friend to this event – so all students feel included. Mike King Our year 7 and 8’s are invited to the NZ comedian, Mike King about youth and their mental health at Raglan Area School, 1pm on Monday the 17th September. If you would like to attend and can help with transport, please fill in and return the form attached. Skool Loop Please remember to regularly check Skool Loop for Notices – particularly if an event is coming up. Also remember to get return slips and permission slips back to the school on time so we can be well organised for all events.

Ngā mihi Margery



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