Tena Koutou
I hope everyone is keeping warm and healthy in this winter season. With the cold unpredictable weather please heed this gentle reminder to keep your children at home if they feel unwell or are sick. In this way colds and flu are contained and are less like to spread to both staff and other children. Also all students need to bring a spare set of old clothes to leave at school during this term as children can easily get wet or muddy in this weather. The Mud Run was a great success and enjoyed by all. A great experience for our students running through water and mud, especially with our Inter-School Cross Country cancelled. Thank you to Whaea Ali for organising this event. Thank you also to Whaea Lara for helping organise the Art to Wear contestants. Congratulations to our talented Whaea Mariella on winning 1st Place for the Paua Power section for her costumes Power Rangers.
School Communication: Social Media now plays a big part in our school communication with parents/caregivers and whanau. Together, we have been gradually improving and fine tuning the communication between the school and the community so that everyone feels better informed. As a result, we are trying to make it clear where the go to is for all forms of school communication and the purpose for it. The major change we are making is to send all information and permission slips through the Skool Loop App and use the Waitetuna Private Facebook group for showcasing classroom and whole school learning. The

following outline indicates where to go for what information: School Newsletter (fortnightly): The over-all picture of what’s happening (term core focus, monthly timetable/ schedule, student highlights and learning, school community support and gratitude, Waitetuna way hero of the fortnight, Principals message). Waitetuna School Private Facebook group: showcasing classroom learning . Skool Loop: All notifications (notices and information), Term Calendar, Absentee student, Newsletters and Permission slips (which will be emailed to the relevant teacher and office) Physical paper permission slips will also be sent home as well, for an initial period of time. Instagram: promoting Waitetuna School to the public and in particular the wider Raglan community Waitetuna School Website: School vision and philosophy, teachers message, Principals news, all events, and coverage of new initiatives including After School Care, Raglan Van schedule and Mindfulness. Link to School Instagram. Governance which includes the BoT members and roles, Board meeting Agenda and minutes, complaints procedure and current Charter and Strategic plan. Prospectus: (currently being completed) School philosophy and culture. All events the school regularly holds and details about these events. Schedules and dates/times included where possible. The Prospectus will be sent available to local Early Child Care Centres, new enrolments and available at the office. Waitetuna School Brochure: This is specifically designed as a quick look and introduction to Waitetuna School. The brochure can be viewed on the website in the About section and is available at our local early child care centres. Please note there will no longer be class notifications through the private school facebook group and all notifications will be through the Skool Loop App. Permission slips can now be filled out through the Skool Loop App. Paper copies will be phased out by the end of term 3. We would appreciate it if you could ensure you have downloaded this App and that you regularly check for notifications. Please inform the office if you are unable to receive the internet from your home.
Thanks and have a great weekend! Ngā mihi Margery